Welcome to Honey Creek Meadows!
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What's Happening?

W E L C O M E!

Your Homeowners Association serves to represent every homeowner in matters of individual and collective interests, including:
  • Preservation of the neighborhood and protecting property values;
  • Monitoring and influencing such matters as adherence to building and property restrictions.

Our HOA Managment Company

Prosight Property Managment Group

2024 Annual Garage Sale

Fri - Sat: June 21-22, 2024
9am - 5pm daily

2024 Annual Meeting
Always the Last Monday in October

The annual homeowner's association meeting is always held on the last Monday in October (unless Halloween date conflict). This year it will be October 28, 2024.
Please make an effort to have at least one voting representative of your household present.  Click here for more Information

Who is on the Board?

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Honey Creek Meadows Homeowners Association

Prosight Property Management Group
3400 Travis Pointe Road
Suite A
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
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Comments, Questions

Web Page Designed by Honey Creek Meadows Homeowners' Association Board